Organizational Resources

Organizational Resources is responsible for encouraging, initiating, and motivating focus groups that work within the district congregations heightening visibility and LWML membership.  The Structure Committee, Leader Development Committee, “Blitz” team (when active), Parliamentarian and Special Gifts fall under organizational resources. 

Leader Development works closely with an assigned Pastoral Counselor and others to supply resources and share ideas to encourage and equip women in forming new societies, to identify potential LWML leaders through the district, and to encourage new and existing leaders. 

The Structure Committee, among other duties, assists zones and local groups with bylaws, manages the bylaw approval process and ensures all bylaws are kept up-to-date. 


Organizational Resources Team

Brenda Nivens, Vice President

Betty Reichert, Parliamentarian

Special Gifts, Sherrie Schroeder

Structure, Karen Karner

Rev. Joel Heckman