A dog took center stage at the Tulsa Zone Fall Fest, held Saturday, October 2nd, at Trinity Lutheran in Broken Arrow. Persis, the Comfort Dog from King of Kings Lutheran Church in Glenpool charmed everyone in attendance. Persis is one of our district mission grant recipients with funds going to King of Kings’ program of Lutheran Church Charities Comfort Dogs. Handlers gave information on training (of the dog AND the handlers), upkeep, travel, and opportunities. She even had a purple neckerchief for the day!
Tulsa Zone President, Lori Steele presided. The national grants video was shown and the Bible study, “Press On” were done in two groups. Rev. John Wilke, Immanuel Lutheran, Broken Arrow led the opening and closing devotions. Information about the upcoming Retreat and District Convention, April 8-9, 2022 was shared.
Items for Happy Hands Education Center were collected. A mite offering of $224 for mission grants was given. An LWML Store was set up and a catered lunch was served.
A welcome blessing of the day was a much-needed, torrential rain shower during the Fest. Thank you Jesus!